lördag 27 mars 2010


Två uppgifter klar att lämna in!! 
Firas med goo fika!
Keso, rödlök, lite feta ost och lägg på mackan och dekorera med favorit paprikan, mums!

Two assesments done to hand in!!
Celebrate with a good afternoon meal!
Cottage cheese, red onion, a little "feta cheese" (cream cheese or goat milk cheese also work) and put it on bread and decorate with your favourite capsicum, yummi!
Why isn't there a word for "fika" (usually afternoon snack, but you can have it at all times of the day and night) in the English vocabulary? It's the perfect word for a smaller snack or cookie-eating-time ;D

Ta hand om dig :)
Take care of yourself :)

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